Saturday, July 4, 2009


We didn’t have a T.V. till 1965 or 66, and then one channel coming off the tower in the hills around Greenwater or Marean Lake, Dad had a Short Wave Radio that I used to listen to the station in the US; skip is radio waves skipping off of clouds or weather patterns especially in the winter. I think that where I got my love of music and the fear of nuclear war in the early 60’s when the Cold War was waging. For those of us who remember the sounds of nuclear alert sirens being tested, or radio programs being interrupted to test emergency broadcasting capabilities, is a chilling reminder of how close our species came to wiping itself out.
The thing to do was to put your head between you knees, and kiss your butt goodbye.

The other type of music I would listen was my parent’s music LP’s; Harry Bellefontaine, Hank Snow etc and when we got TV in the mid ‘60’s; one of my favourite shows on Sunday night was the Ed Sullivan, we got the newest musical groups, acrobats and comedians.

A report from Jerry Crawford Blog
On foggy Thursday morning, the CKBI television tower was demolished. Alex Dunlop and I walked up there after the fact to view the mess. It was hard for me to figure out directions in the fog but it looks as if the plan was to drop the tower to the southwest, and that is the way the bottom half went. However, the top half had a mind of its own and buckled to the north. The very top of the tower landed on a big receiving dish just a few feet from the building housing the equipment. The dish, of course, was demolished. One of the men there opined that it was better the dish than the building. The grapevine tells me the plan is to rebuild the tower eighty feet taller, and hopefully to have it in operation in November.

That tower was built in the spring of 1962. Merv Miller worked on it, though he said he stayed on the ground. They spent six weeks building the tower without anyone suffering so much as a scratch. Then when they were done, they loaded the winch on a half-ton. One of the high-riggers was in the truck box; he mis-stepped, fell out of the box, and broke his leg!

1 comment:

  1. My dad stalked canned milk and we had our own vegies etc. "just in case" We went through the warnings on the TV and our school held air raid drills. My question now is how was a desk we were hiding under or crouching in the hall way going to protect us from bombs dropping? I guess is just helped to make the adults feel they were doing something.
