Thursday, October 8, 2009

The tradition of the country fair is as old as the province itself and celebrates rural life and the valued elements of the community in which it is located. The Shand Fair takes place each summer on a fair grounds situated mid way between Somme and Carrigana and some six miles north. The atmosphere at the fair is absolutely the highlight of the event as neighbours and friends come out to experience the day together, swap yarns and renew acquaintances from years gone by. This fair has a parade in the morning with a line up of antique tractors, equestrian displays and good spirits. There is animal showing and judging, a gymkhana, children's races, excellent food, a music programme, exhibits and mostly a lot of conversation.

The exhibits are a major part of every fair and the Shand fair leads in agricultural products, flowers, baked goods, art work, photographs, crafts and amazing creativity.

A highlight for most visitors to the Shand Fair is the outstanding home baking. Above are the pie ladies and they had peach, raisin, and cream pies. But other booths had perogies and cabbage rolls and a full chicken supper.

The Fair was a highlight of the summer for me and my family, I think it still held every August.

1 comment:

  1. I visited the Shand fair in August 2012 with my Uncle Bob from Hudson Bay. My cousins children were riding in horse events and the place was full of multigenerations of families all having a great time catching up with each other. My Uncle never ran out of people to talk to but not many remembered me as I was only in Carragana for one school year 1969/70. Grade 7 then we moved to Australia!
