Thursday, August 6, 2009

Skating at the outdoor rink and hockey

We had an outdoor skating across the highway from the school. It was painted white, and had two shacks, one for each hockey team. We used the south one for the Carragana kids. With wooden plank floors scrapped and soured by the skates with wooden benches all around the outside wall.

This is what the uninsulated shacks were heated with, they got red hot, and snow and mittens would melt real quick. But the heat was really nice when it was -25c.

I was not that good of a skater, my ankles were weak, and for the life of me I couldn't figure out how to stop. The boards stopped me regularly.

When it snowed we had to clean the snow off the ice with scrapper and shovels, and shovel the snow over the boards; it was quite the job but I enjoyed it. Go figure.!

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